World Youth Weightlifting Championship

On 24.03.2023 to 01.04.2023, the World Youth Weightlifting Championship took place in Albania. The opening ceremony of this magnificent event took place at the Sports Palace “Feti Borova” in the city of Tirana, where the highest leaders of the World and European Federation were present. The ceremony was honored with speeches from Albanian and world…

National Youth Championship

On April 23, 2023, the Albanian Weightlifting Federation will hold the National Youth Championship in the city of Lushnje. 70 athletes from all weightlifting clubs and associations took part in the championship. During this championship, an extraordinary participation was observed. The best team for women and men was the team from Tirana. The best female…

Senior National Championship

On Saturday, January 13, 2024, the National Championship for Adults took place, next to the FHP gym in the Olympic Park, Tirana. This was the first national event for 2024 and also served as a control competition for the European Senior Championships to be held in Sofia, Bulgaria, which is a qualifier for the Paris…