Rezultat spektakolar per Federaten Shqiptare te Peshengritjes.

Rezultat spektakolar per Federaten Shqiptare te Peshengritjes. 3️⃣ MEDALJE ARGJENDI!!! Sportisti Kristi Ramadani rremben dy medaljet e argjendta ne stilin e shtytjes dhe ne dygaresh me 341 KG ne total. 💪🏼🥈🥈 Erkand Qerimaj fiton medaljen e argjendte ne stilin e shkeputjes me 155 KG. Fitimi i medaljes në peshëngritje është një arritje e jashtëzakonshme👏🏼🇦🇱 Kjo…

Kampionati Evropian i Peshëngritjes, Sofie

Në Sofie të Bullgarisë📍,duke nisur nga 12 shkurti ka filluar Kampionati Evropian i Peshëngritjes , kualifikues per Lojerat Olimpike Paris 2024. 🏋️‍♂️ Kombëtarja shqiptare përfaqësohet me 7️⃣ sportistë, teksa pritshmëritë janë të larta për medalje.🥇🥈🥉 I pari në pedanë ishte Briken Calja, i cili garoi ne kategorine 73 kg dhe fitoi vendin e peste ne…

World Youth Championship, Mexico

From 15/11/2023 to 23/11/2023 the World Youth Championship takes place in Guadaljara, Mexico. Albania was represented by the elite athlete Ertjan Kofsha, who made Albania proud with the gold medal in the breakaway style with 159 kg in the 89 kg category. He reached 186 kg in the push style and 345 kg in total…

U20-U23 European Championship

During the month of October, from October 15-25, 2022, the FA organized in the city of Durrës near the “Ramazan Njala” Sports Palace, the European Championship for youth and U23. More than 600 people from 38 European countries came to Albania, of which 400 were athletes, while the rest were officials and delegates of various…

Grand Prix II Doha, Qatar

From 04/12/2023 to 10/12/2023 Grand Prix II took place in Qatar where Albania was represented by Briken Calja and Erkand Qerimaj. Briken Calja reached third place with a bronze medal in the breakaway style with 155 kg, while Erkand Qerimaj was fourth in the breakaway and push with 336 kg in total.

Senior World Championship Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

On September 4-17, 2023, the Adult World Championship took place, qualifying for the 2024 Olympic Games in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. More than 700 athletes from all over the world take part in the championship. Shqiperia was represented by two elite weightlifting athletes, Erkand Qerimaj and Briken Calja, who competed in the 81kg category and had…

Republic Senior Cup

On August 4, 2023, near the weightlifting gym in the Olympic Corps, Tirana, the Republic Cup for Adults took place. This activity was organized before the World Championships in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, a qualifying competition for the Olympic Games “Paris 2024”. Also, the athletes who will participate in the world championship perform doping tests after…

European Championship U20-U23, Bucharest, Romania

In the U20-U23 European Championship that took place in Bucharest, Romania, 4 athletes of the Albanian national team, Enkileda Carja, Ertjan Kofsha, Sajmir Lagja and Samoel Rrasa, took part. On 28.07.2023, Enkileda Carja competed in the 59KG weight, ranking sixth in Europe with 187KG in total in the doubles, breaking a European record for U15.…

European Championship U15-U17 Chisinau, Moldova

Two athletes from the Albanian national team, Enkileda Carja and Samoel Rrasa, took part in the U15-U17 European Championship that took place in Chisinau, Moldova. Enkileda Carja competed in the weight 59 KG, being the first and managed to win 3 gold medals in the breakaway style with 84 KG, in the push style 100…